I've got a crush on you

Sooooooooo, I've always had a crush on you. Should I thank the fates for putting us on the same table, on the first day that I ventured into the boarding house? Or should I simply be grateful to those random coincidences that frolic through time, popping in at exact moments? Whatever it is, the first time you registered on my radar keeps flashing through my mind. There I was, siting down quietly on the table, when a  black Adonis strode into my innocent sights...
Flummoxed, stunned, oddly attracted..... Barely 13, I felt elephants stomp on my stomach walls, but it didn't hurt, oddly enough, it made me dizzy, made me want to pass out. But instead the oddest thing happened.
Alright. So I didn't really puke rainbows, but it sure as heaven felt like I did, because everything was more colorful, and music sounded more rhythmic. Suddenly, life made sense. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I got a crush on you. It was the sweetest thing that ever happened to me, like skittles at the end of a double rainbow.

Everyone referred to you as a boss, and dang it, you sure as hell looked like one.
Most confident, handsome, and gorgeous teddy, ;) , I'd ever seen. Your outlook was that of a boss, but your manner was that of a sir.

 So well mannered and beautiful, falling for you was inevitable. It was a scary fall too. You know, when you're having a nightmare and you think you're falling off a high place, and you scream and clutch at air, but you're really on your bed? Yeah, that kind of scary.

Yeah, that was your face when I started being a creepy stalker and following you everywhere with googly eyes. :P You looked so cutely disturbed and mildly repulsed. And whenever anyone hinted at the fact that we'd make a cute couple, your reaction was always the same...
:| I didn't give up though, up until the last day in high school I kept pestering you, and pestering you, but alas, my efforts were for naught. No matter how hard I tried, it just wasn't going to work between us. Eventually, I had to accept my place.
Well, my efforts weren't completely wasted. I did manage to squeeze one moment out of four years with you.

Yes people, I haven't just been ranting on about a fictional hunk in my imagination. Dennis Arthur is a real person, and the sweetest and most adorable boy I've ever met. You might be wondering, or you're not thinking about it at all, why now? Why wait till today to do this blog, why not on his birthday? Well, that's because I want to show you that I don't think about you only on the 24th of June, Dennis. BMOC is always on my mind :D Stay beautiful Dennis.


  1. aww Nneka! this is sooo adorable... i love it... and girl you are brave! .. I admire what you have just done :-)<3

    1. Thank you Eyram. :D I do not see myself as brave, but I am honored to win your admiration *curtsies* :P

  2. Wow! this is...embarassing. Feel like the villain of the story.loll...
    But its so sweet nevertheless! Thank you so much and I love you too!!<3

    1. That means so much to me Dennis, thank you :)

  3. Aww Nneks this is Edinam.... I don't even have the right words to describe it but it's really cute... And I must say u have a lot of guts to publish it publicly! Love it... :D

    1. Go Mi Nam!!!!! What an honor to have you read my blog. Thank you so very much. Though I am obliged to point out that at the time, sheer recklessness, rather than guts, led me to publish this publicly. Great to know you like it.


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