
Showing posts from February, 2012

Sometimes I pretend

Sometimes I pretend I can feel your fingers sneaking up my back, wrapping themselves around my waist, pulling me into your warm embrace, protecting me from the doubts. Sometimes I pretend I could still skip down the lane and knock on the door of your house, pretend to be surprised when you open it to find me there, sneak past your mum into your bedroom, run around playing tag, like toddlers. Sometimes I pretend I was still the only girl in your world, the one that made your heart beat faster, the one that gave you butterflies, the one that scrambled your thoughts. But just like the sentence that disrupted the flowing pattern, I crash back to reality with a thud, The pain destroys the illusion, But still, sometimes I pretend.

Thoughts of a Young Dreamer: This Goes Out to All the Best Friends Out There

Brilliant piece, by a brilliant girl..yes people, my bestfriend, Makafui Ahorney.... :* Thoughts of a Young Dreamer: This Goes Out to All the Best Friends Out There : What is a best friend? A best friend isn’t just someone you call when you need to talk or you’re in trouble; a best friend is someone you ...

Moving on...

One of the hardest things to do... No one wants to lose what they had, what they thought they had. But sometimes, you just have to accept that it's time, for change, for a new environment, for a break in the continuity you're comfortable with. I know this, you know this.... Doesn't stop it from being hard though.... Your body rebels against this.. it gushes hot tears that scorch your skin... your heart pangs with shiver with muffled sobs of rejection.... but eventually, you feel numb... you can't fight it any longer... And one day, when you think about moving on, it doesn't hurt anymore, and that's when it hits you.. You've done 'the impossible''ve moved on....

Thoughts of a Young Dreamer: For Ms. Whitney

I was going to write a piece for Whitney Houston (Sleep tight beautiful), but this is a gorgeous piece that says it all.... Thoughts of a Young Dreamer: For Ms. Whitney : I couldn't sleep till I got this out of my system. I know it's not perfect but nothing ever is. For Ms. Whitney Look up in the night...

Nobody is too big for a hug

I'm a huge fan of this comic called 'For Better or For Worse', and today's strip really touched my heart.  Perhaps it's cause I'm a tad sentimental, but it brought tears to my eyes, an ache in my heart, and a smile to my lips. It's so hard to just get a hug today. Sometimes it's just that need for physical contact, to let you know that someone else is there, and that they understand. Maybe you just want to feel loved, but being hugged is the best feeling ever, cause it communicates so much more than words can. Everyone needs a hug occasionally, regardless of age, sex, or social status..... 

Food for the soul

 Whenever I'm stressed, or just need a good lie in, nothing does it better for me, than poetry. I'm not referring here to words people string together these days, with no deeper meaning than a pancake. I'm talking about poetry that barges into you and leaves you reeling, words that paint a picture of beauty, lyrics that weave a web of understanding. I'm talking about rhymes that will transport you into a place only the mind can go, and structures that will leave you questioning the intricacies of creativity.  It's getting really hard these days to find such poetry, it's pretty easy to find words, but no meaning. But among the weed, I managed to spot an iridescent gem, named Anthony Anaxagorou. I shall not profess his brilliance, but allow his piece to speak for itself....  

Thoughts of a Young Dreamer: The Ideal Project: Introduction

Thoughts of a Young Dreamer: The Ideal Project: Introduction : I’ll be putting up a series of posts over the next few days as part of my ‘Ideal Project’. What I did was to ask some of my friends, bot...

Random Thoughts: My Ideal Guy

Random Thoughts: My Ideal Guy : He never mattered to me...he was just another face in the sea, another stone in the quarry. He was new. "So, you're the new member", eyes f...

My Ideal Guy

 He never mattered to me...he was just another face in the sea, another stone in the quarry. He was new. "So, you're the new member", eyes filled with amusement and something else sparkled at me. I didn't want to be one ever wants to be. Yet I smiled back, and my heart wanted to meet him too, cause it ran a speedy race to my eyes, chuckling with retarded glee. Yeah, pretty corny, but my life is a pretty corny story, except I suspect the ending isn't as happy as most love stories are.  I spent more time than I should have talking to him, laughing with him, walking with him, standing with him, being with him. Don't get me wrong, I didn't spend all my waking hours with him, but I sure dedicated a lot of it to him. Ok, so it wasn't a lot, but I sure thought about it. The few we did manage to spend together...precious emerald shards. He made me laugh, he was funny without even trying. He was interesting, he was fresh. He wasn't like everyone