
Showing posts from April, 2012

When you fall, dust yourself off and carry on.


Now the past...not the present

 I don't have a fancy rhyme to sweeten your ears, or a beautiful story to spill over your absorbing hearts. All I bring is a hurt so scalding it burns through my chest, and a pain so great that each breath is a Herculean effort. What the hell am I blabbering on about?  Have you ever wanted something so bad that you sacrificed your time and pride, simply to have access to it? A jewel so rare, or so you thought, that you were satisfied to simply be in its presence, even if you couldn't have it. Have you ever loved so hard that your vulnerability surpassed an unsuspecting deer at a watering hole ,right before the Lion's den? Have you ever cried so hard your tear ducts turned to dust and all you had left were heaving sobs? Have you ever wished for a moment to draw on for eternity? Have you ever looked back on a memory, and shed not tears, but bits of your heart?  Words fail me at a time when I need them the most. Not even a picture can capture what I wish to express.   I