
Showing posts from April, 2014


NYSC... Those four letters alone are enough to put the fear of the Lord in me. There's nothing I dread more. Okay, maybe there are some things that I dread more, but it's definitely up there with the best of them. As graduation approaches, my dad has been putting the pressure on me to apply for it. I've tried and tried to wiggle my way out of it, but to no avail. Finally he got tired of my excuses and put his foot down.  Under the guise of a simple Skype call, he coerced me into starting my application. He kept a watchful eye on me as I trudged through the steps. Now all that's left is to upload the required documents, and come August, I'll be shipped off to Nigeria for a year.  I guess I should explain what NYSC is. It stands for National Youth Service, and it's compulsory if I ever wish to work in Nigeria. It starts off with a 3 week orientation camp. For those 3 weeks, you have to wear a uniform of khaki pants and a white shirt with the NYSC log