
Showing posts from June, 2012

I've got a crush on you

Sooooooooo, I've always had a crush on you. Should I thank the fates for putting us on the same table, on the first day that I ventured into the boarding house? Or should I simply be grateful to those random coincidences that frolic through time, popping in at exact moments? Whatever it is, the first time you registered on my radar keeps flashing through my mind. There I was, siting down quietly on the table, when a  black Adonis strode into my innocent sights... Flummoxed, stunned, oddly attracted..... Barely 13, I felt elephants stomp on my stomach walls, but it didn't hurt, oddly enough, it made me dizzy, made me want to pass out. But instead the oddest thing happened. ---------------------------------> Alright. So I didn't really puke rainbows, but it sure as heaven felt like I did, because everything was more colorful, and music sounded more rhythmic. Suddenly, life made sense. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I got a crush on you. It was the sweetest

Big girl, you are beautiful.

My friends dragged me out clubbing yesterday night, with the excuse that we hadn't had a proper night together since exam time. I honestly did not feel like going because; 1) I honestly hate clubbing. 2) I never have suitable clubbing outfits. 3) It's always an expensive night out. However, since I wished to hang out with them, I agreed to it. Now, I have discovered that ever since I left high school and joined uni, I've become a shell of my former self. I'm a bit of an introvert around strangers, and I easily get intimidated. Needless to say, the night out was a disaster, but I didn't want to ruin it for my friends by telling them. So instead, I've put it into a little piece, and wish to share it with you. The piece is a Hopefully, this will help you understand the piece a little better, and how I felt when it happened.  They think she can't hear them as they whisper to each other, "Yeah, she's def not fit. I mean look at her",

From the mistress, to the wife

Just as venus transits across the sun in london, the sun rays transit across my closed eyelids, yanking me from slumber into the dawn of day, dousing my slowed senses with the cold flow of reality. With the first drop comes the slight strain of the song, the gears in my brain begin to whir at hyper speed, before I jump off my bed to check the calender, I know what day it is. The tempo increases and my feet begin to move, to the all familiar rhythm that I know too well, my body sways and the path appears before me, once again, I must suffer the curse of 6th June. A step forward leads me down the 5th avenue, to the 4th time I felt true love in my life, in the 3rd country I'd ever been to, on the 2nd day that I walked through those gates. I remember quite well my 1st memory of you, and as the dance takes me futher downlane, my next step puts me right beside you, so that I see you now as I saw you then. The sound of your laughter drifts into my ears, the smi

An attempt at retribution, four years overdue.

Heya!!! :) So, I haven't posted in over a week. My apologies to the darling people who read my blog, *and also to the trillions in my head who just absolutely adore it (I do not care if they do not exist) >_> * I do have a post coming up, but I felt that I should perhaps introduce you to it :D Okay, my next blog post is what you would call an apology. It's not your conventional apology, so it's slightly weird in the form it takes. The post is my attempt at retribution for numerous things I did in high school which always haunt me on this day *was supposed to post this on 6th June :| *, which coincidentally, is the birthday of an exquisite maiden who goes by the name of cupcake (her name for this post :P ). From the very first day *literally*, that I stepped into the gates of my old high school, I encountered this amazing force of a girl, and she would forever leave an imprint on my mind. Unfortunately, we started off as friends and ended up as strangers, one of t