
Showing posts from March, 2013

One Casual sex and swearing cocktail please!!

I was torn between lumping these two issues together into one big post, but I decided to do it anyway. Normally I don't see myself as a moralist, I certainly don't find it entertaining to sit on a high horse and snob my nose at every move people make. However, there's a difference between being a moralist and being moral less. Present society is consumed with the need for advancement, the need to leave behind archaic and traditional ways in order to adopt modern customs. Development is necessarily not a bad thing, just like the internet is not a deceptive web made to ensnare vulnerable souls. However, we can hardly boast about having a developed society while our moral bonds disintegrate. I am not begging for a return to the times when holding hands in public raised the well-defined eyebrows of orderly matrons, or saying the word wiener gained you a cuff from your agitated mother. No. Nonetheless, I cringe each time I witness a raunchy couple attempting to play the guit

Please forgive me

As her sentences poured into my ears, One word trickled to my heart, With a quiet intensity, it whispered, "Guilty" I might not be serving a sentence, But I just as well committed the crime, For months the thought plagued me, For hours I wrestled with my heart, No matter how I argue my case, I'm just as guilty as you are, So for this I beg of you, I beg you to forgive my actions, For letting you go to the gallows alone, How does one make amends for damage caused, I may not be able to recover spilt milk, But I can offer to wipe it with my hair, So that the evidence sits upon my head, Like a sacrifice upon an altar, Perhaps one day, when atonements are made, It shall be cleansed by the waters of truth.