Random thought 6... more like impulsive action.

Okay, soooooo you know how (I know you don't know, but this is not the time to argue semantics), we're supposed to grab life by the girdle (Or is it the loins), live for the moment, YOLO and all that nonsense, well I decided to apply it in what I must class as my most impulsive action ever. How did this happen you ask?
I was casually scrolling down my Facebook timeline when I noticed a post from one of my course mates innocently promoting the 'Vegan pledge'. Now being the busy body that I am, I decided to click on the link and see what it was all about. Basically, the vegan society is holding a campaign allowing meat eaters to enter a pledge that requires them to abstain from meat and dairy products. The pledge has a duration of 1 week (Bronze), 2 weeks (Silver) and 1 month (Gold). You are assigned a mentor to help you adapt to the lifestyle change that comes with being a vegan. This is an important step that should only be taken after lengthy consideration, but in all of 5 minutes, I not only signed up for the pledge but decided to go for the Gold medal. Oh boy! I was running on crazy juice. By convincing myself that I needed to try something different, and besides being a Vegan is supposed to be healthy right, I entered a pact that not only prevents me from polishing off that very delicious beef with jalapenos pizza in my fridge, but means that for 30 days I cannot run off to Tesco to purchase a pack of bacon to satisfy my midnight meat cravings...Oh Goodness...Brain...What have you done???!!!
This is either going to be the worst 30 days of my life, or the best 30 days of my life. Heck, maybe I might discover that I want to abandon the wonderful world of beef and eat grass with my cow homies for the rest of my life... Yeah right!! :D Bacon is just too good!!!
I mean, who abandons such crispy deliciousness for this...

Wait, that would be me. :|


  1. ROTFL Dum Dum!!

    1. While I do not appreciate insults to my persona, for once, I agree with that statement.

  2. haha, dis is one funny write up, a good way 2 end d nite. d pics tell d story just right. how wld u forego dat mouth watering bacon for roots, nah....aint nobody got time 4 dat!


    1. Thank you strayed dude. I don't know what I was thinking, or perhaps I wasn't thinking at all. :D Sweet Brown!!!! That video just made my night.


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