
Sometimes our imperfections stare us right in the face.
They look us in the eye and accuse us.
They call us out for the person that we could become,
but choose not to be.

Sometimes our imperfections cradle our heads,
Draw us closer,
Wipe our tears,
And tell us it's okay.

Sometimes our imperfections break us down,
They laugh in derision,
Faces twisted into perfect pictures of scorn,
Ears closed to our pleas for mercy,
For understanding.

Sometimes our imperfections make us pray for release,
Release from the stress,
Release from the pain,
Release from the heartache,
And just when you think it can't get any worse,
It does.

So you lay down and you dream,
You dream of being perfect,
You dream of something that you can't have,
Not right now,
Not at this moment,

But dreaming keeps you going,
For if you stopped dreaming,
There would be no reason to keep going,
And where's the sense in that?



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