Write, for these words are faithful and true!

There will be earthquakes and reports of earthquakes...

Never have I been more aware of the veracity of these words.

Today, there was an earthquake in Norther Tanzania that killed 13 and wounded 200, according to the BBC. Though it lies on a fault line, major earthquakes in that region are rare.

I never thought the day would come when one would hear of major earthquakes in Africa. Perhaps I a being quite ignorant, but it really threw me for a spin.

This is a real wake up call. More than ever, I realise the need to share hope and comfort with the people that we meet, at every opportunity.

So, if you're reading this, please read the magazine found at the link below. It shows us how Jehovah God, the ultimate source of comfort, comforts us in these difficult days.


Stay safe everyone! 


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