Here's to you!

On a warm day in September, I started my arduous journey to become an early years educator. It wasn't easy. My first choice wasn't the best. The manager was Cruella de vil in the flesh, well, maybe not as bad. The point is, she was challenging to work for. She demanded perfection, and saw nothing but mistakes. Long story short, I couldn't leave that nursery quick enough. 
After 2 weeks of unanswered calls, and ignored emails, I started to despair. Would I find another nursery in time to continue my training? Thankfully, I did, and it turned out to be the best preschool ever. My colleagues were awesome, my work hours were flexible, it was a 10 minute walk from home, and most importantly, my manager rocked! Working at that preschool taught me so much, and they will always have a special place in my heart.
Just when things were going so well, and I was approaching the end of my training, I got stuck in quicksand. This snag was serious enough to cost me almost 2 years of training, if not properly managed. That is when the true hero of the story came into play. My tutor has to be the most accommodating human on the planet. She really came thorough for me. She carefully guided me through the tough patch, and worked hard to ensure that I didn't lose 23 months of hard work, due to a technicality. I wasn't the easiest student either. I was so tempted to give in, and damn the consequences. Well, she didn't let me. Sure, she may have been railing at me in her head, but she offered me nothing but encouragement and support. 
Here's to the most accommodating human I've ever met. You're a star! 



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