I quit!

So today, I did something I've never done before. I quit my job.
Sending off the resignation letter filled my stomach with butterflies. When the secretary called me, oh lordy lord, I thought my stomach would give out. I've only worked there for 1 month and 19 days, but it became more stressful than being at uni. I would travel for an hour and a half, just to get there. On my way back, it would be cold and the bus would be late. I would leave my house at 6:50 am and get back at 6:30 pm, for an 8-5 job. I spent £40 a month on transport alone, not to mention the constant state of illness that the nursery left me in. The first month was a week long flu, and this month brought along a stomach bug. This all left me unable to pay sufficient attention to my studies, or my spiritual life, and that is my priority. Even when I begin work properly, I intend for it to be part-time. 
This is not to say that I don't have another job lined up, but this one is completely voluntary. I set my own hours, and it's only 10 minutes away. I start in two weeks, and I'm excited and nervous. I miss the kids at my old nursery. The downside to working in a nursery is that you get so attached to the kids. And as much as you try not to, you always end up having favourites. There was a little girl there who absolutely stole my heart, and 2 little boys who always brightened my day. Don't get me wrong, I loved them all to pieces, but those three kids really did a number on me. I considered staying on just for them, but my parents agreed with my decision to quit. 
Nevertheless, what's done is done. I can't wait to see where this path leads me to.

Signing out. 

P.s: Tu me manques Teddy. Don't tire out in the search for Jehovah, but keep seeking first God's kingdom. I know that I am too. See you soon! 

P.p.s: I love you forever! (^.^)


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