
When the first few lines of that song comes on,
And you start to feel your heart respond,
Your brain dredges up the memories,
And your eyes release the tears,
Your lips curve in a smile as you remember,
Not the lyrics of the song,
But the moment you shared with that song,
You jump back in time,
To that moment it changed from a song to a reminder,
That danced you shared,
The hapiness that bubbled forth,
And then your heart beats a little faster,
The sadness starts to leak in,
You yearn for that time,
A time when your worries seemed far away,
When life looked like a journey you could make,
And then the strains of the song come to an end,
You feel the hold of that memory slipping,
Suddenly you're not 13 anymore,
You're at an age when it's dangerous to remember,
Best to keep a lid on it and move on,
Because that's the best thing to do,
The safe thing to do.


  1. And that's why i don't like taking pictures. This and the opposite reason

    1. I guess we all have that thing that does it for us. It could a song, or a picture.


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