I don't want to love you anymore

I don't want to love you anymore,
I want to find all our pictures together and slice them into tiny bits,
Like you do to my heart each time.
I want to take all my memories of you and stick them in a blender,
And pulverize them beyond recognition,
Then force feed them to Cupid through a nose pipe.
I want a time machine so I can go back to the past,
and warn my past self about the pain you would cause me,
so that I would never know the misery that you bring.

I want to hit you over the head with a frying pan, just like in Tangled,
and tie you to a chair till you come to, then hit you all over again,
then hand you over to a raging bull so it can walk all over your face.
I hate the fact that hearing your voice sends my heart into overdrive,
and causes my brain, and thereby all my thought processes, to overheat,
leading to a complete crash of any logical or reasoning process in my mind.
Why couldn't it be just like the movies and the chic flicks that fill the book stands?
Why didn't the good guy fall in love with the best friend in the end?
It doesn't matter anyway, cause I don't want to love you anymore.


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