An attempt at retribution, four years overdue.

Heya!!! :)
So, I haven't posted in over a week. My apologies to the darling people who read my blog, *and also to the trillions in my head who just absolutely adore it (I do not care if they do not exist) >_> *
I do have a post coming up, but I felt that I should perhaps introduce you to it :D

Okay, my next blog post is what you would call an apology. It's not your conventional apology, so it's slightly weird in the form it takes. The post is my attempt at retribution for numerous things I did in high school which always haunt me on this day *was supposed to post this on 6th June :| *, which coincidentally, is the birthday of an exquisite maiden who goes by the name of cupcake (her name for this post :P ). From the very first day *literally*, that I stepped into the gates of my old high school, I encountered this amazing force of a girl, and she would forever leave an imprint on my mind. Unfortunately, we started off as friends and ended up as strangers, one of the few things that bring me sorrow upon recollection. To a lot of people, my adoration of this girl is weird, especially as the feeling isn't mutual, but C'est la vie.
By now (for those of you who know me well), you probably have a clue as to what the next post is about. And if you're smart, you'll probably be able to identify the slivers of truth in it.

I must point out that though my next post has undertones of homosexual tendencies, they are simply implied, and will never materialize in future.
That being said, I am aware of the fact that she will probably never see this, it saddens me because I want her to, but at the same time, I don't think I can handle her reaction to it. Regardless, for the fact that I can share this moment with the world, and with you, is sufficient for me. :)

So without further ado, I present, 'from the mistress, to the wife'.

p.s: Did I mention it's really long?? ^.^


  1. Wow this 'trailer' has got my heart beating faster. I don''t even know whether to read the next post or not . . .

    1. lol! I guess you know now. Seeing as we've discussed it extensively :D


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